Florida Gardener's Salve

Sale price Price $10.00 Regular price

Salves are one of my favorite on the go products to apply topically to my skin and this formula was specifically put together to heal surface cuts, scrapes, and bites. Lemongrass, Biden's Alba and Elder Leaf are all powerful vulnerary aka wound healing herbs. This salve was made for those who spend time outdoors, especially those working with the land who get minor cuts and aches and need some loving for their hardworking hands. 

Ingredients: Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), Biden's Alba (Biden's alba), & Elder Leaf (Sambucus nigra) Infused in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Moringa Seed Oil and Beeswax from a local South Florida Bee keeper, Hani Honey

All plant ingredients naturally homegrown or ethically wildcrafted. 

1 ounce or 2 ounce sizes in made in the USA metal tins.

Instructions for use: Use a small dollop to massage anywhere on the body that needs healing or moisture. Avoid use with sensitive skin membranes like eyes, ears, and mouth. Keep the salve in a cool dark spot away from heat and sunlight.